Aha Roadmaps is a Product Management Software. Aha Roadmaps helps prioritize work, collaborate with cross-functional teams, and integrate with multiple software tools so that you can sync with other teams and other types of data.

Pricing Aha! price depends on plan, the number of users and features.

Integration Information

Data Collected

  • Members: email, name, role (Contributor, Product owner, Reviewer, Viewer), last seen
  • Usage:
    • Number of contributors
    • Number of paid users

Connection details

  • Status: General Availability
  • Type: api
  • Permissions required:
    * Admin account should be used in generating Access key.


In this document, we will provide instructions for connecting your Aha! account with LeanIX SMP.

Get API Credentials for Aha!

  1. Log in to Aha! with your credentials (https://secure.aha.io/session/new)
  2. When you log in, you will be directed to the account-specific domain. The URL looks like https://<yourcompany>.aha.io. Please note the <yourcompany> part of the URL as this is your Account Name that will be later needed in connecting Aha! with LeanIX SMP.
  3. Go to Settings \Personal

  1. In personal settings section select option Developer

  1. Then click on Generate API Key button

  1. Give it the name LeanIX SMP integration and then click Generate API Key

  1. Copy the API key, as it will be needed to connect Aha! with LeanIX SMP

Configure Aha! integration in LeanIX SMP

  1. Log into LeanIX SMP and navigate to Aha!

  2. Click on Integrate button and fill out the form with appropriate credentials
    1. Account Name
    2. API key