Miro (api)

Miro is the online collaborative whiteboarding platform that enables distributed teams to work effectively together, from brainstorming with digital sticky notes to planning and managing agile workflows.

Pricing Pricing is based on plan, number of users and features

Integration Information

Data Collected

  • Members: , name, role (user, owner, admin, non_team), last seen
  • Usage:
    • number of boards

Connection details

  • Status: General Availability
  • Type: api
  • Permissions required:
    * Customer needs to authenticate integration with their Miro admin account i.e. customer needs to click Authorize button when adding a service.


In this document, we will provide instructions for integrating your Miro account and connecting it to LeanIX SMP. This will enable LeanIX SMP to give you the report of your users with additional information which will be displayed in LeanIX SMP portal.

Configuring Miro Integration in LeanIX SMP

  1. If you don’t have Miro account, you need to create a service account and a team on Miro and make your account a Miro administrator. A Miro administrator will have the correct access for setup.
  2. If you already have a Miro account, login to your Miro instance and make sure that it’s Miro administrator account (Company Admin).
  3. Login to LeanIX SMP and navigate to Miro setting page ([<<<https://us-si.leanix.net/#/service/Miro/settingsor>>](<https://us-si.leanix.net/#/service/Miro/settingsor) https://eu-si.leanix.net/#/service/Miro/settings
  4. Click on the Integrate button at the bottom of the page.
    alt="Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated" />
  5. Click Authorize.
    alt="Graphical user interface, application, Teams Description automatically generated" />
  6. Select a team and then click Install & authorize. This will give LeanIX SMP the authorization token and access for reading the audit logs, reading the boards, reading the identities, and reading the current team information and team users.
    Permissions given after installing the app : auditlogs:read , boards:read, identity:read, team:read.
  7. Click Close.

Frequently Asked Question

Why we are not seeing last seen?

In order to access the last seen, the person needs to be on the Enterprise plan and the user connecting needs to have a company admin role. Also, if this user loses the role in the future, the last seen will stop collecting.

Which Endpoints are we using?

  1. Authorization: https://api.miro.com/v1/oauth-token
  2. Listing the team members: https://api.miro.com/v1/teams/{id}/user-connections
  3. Audit logs: https://api.miro.com/v1/audit/logs . This scope is only available in Enterprise plan and authorization needs to be set up by Company Admins.
  4. Getting current user boards: https://api.miro.com/v1/teams/{id}/boards