Typeform (api)

Typeform is a cloud-based Online Form Builder Software for users to create and respond to surveys and other types of forms on any device.

Pricing Typeform price depends on the selected feature set and number of users.

Integration Information

Data Collected

  • Members: email, name
  • Usage:
    • number of responses
    • number of forms

Connection details

  • Status: General Availability
  • Type: api
  • Permissions required:
    * User generating the access key has to be an admin of the service.


In this document, we will provide instructions for generating Typeform API credentials and connect your Typeform account with LeanIX SMP.

Get API Credentials

  1. Login to Typeform (https://admin.typeform.com/login/)
  2. In the upper-right corner, in the drop-down menu next to your profile photo, click My Account.
  3. In the left menu, click Personal tokens.
  4. Click Generate a new token.
  5. In the token name field, write LeanIX SMP Integration.
  6. Choose accounts:read, forms:read and responses:read scopes.
    7.Click generate token.

Configure Typeform integration in LeanIX SMP

  1. Log into LeanIX SMP and navigate to Typeform settings (https://us-si.leanix.net/#/service/Typeform/settings/ or https://eu-si.leanix.net/#/service/Typeform/settings/)
  2. Click on the Integrate button and fill out the form with appropriate credentials obtained in steps 1.7 of this manual:
    1. API Token (step 1.7)
  3. Click Integrate