How to add or remove a user

How to add a new user



"Members" are most commonly employees of the company while "Users" are people who use SMP as an application for SaaS management.

You can add new users to your organization or department easily in the User Management tab.



Settings: Click on the Settings icon on the top right corner.


Users: Click on the Users tab on the left panel.


Add new user: Scroll down the page and click on the "Add new user" button.


Fill in the data: You can start adding the data of the new user. Here, you can also set the Role of the user as User (access without admin section), Limited (limited to a few pages, e.g. App Catalog), and Admin (full access including admin section).


Add: Once you are finished with the data, you can click on "Add". The user will receive an invitation email. You can see the status of the user in this tab under the "Last Seen" column.

How to remove a user

Removing inactive users is necessary to make sure that unintended persons do not have access to your SMP workspace and cannot see the SaaS services your company uses. This way you can ensure that your company information is secure and only appropriate people have access to information about your organization's SaaS.



Find the user you want to remove.


Click on the three dots next to the name.


Click on the "Edit" button.


Check on the box next to the "Remove" button. Once this is checked, the "Remove" button will be clickable.1


Click on the "Remove" button.


Resend an invitation email

In the same pop-up that opens after you click on the three dots next to the name, you can also resend an invitation email if needed. You can simply click on the "Resend email" button.